Tuesday, February 15, 2011

From Fizzle to FABULOUS: Sex therapy can be just the ticket!

Couples will often ask, "just how important is sex?" and my standard reply is,  "not very...UNLESS your're not getting any! Then it can be really sticky thorn in your relationship" Our physical and emotional intimacy needs are important and need to be nurtured for a healthy relationship to flourish. Yet, there are many challenges to a healthy sex life.

Couples come into our office often complaining that their sex life has fizzled. Better sex is possible and we have the answers! Theres some great ways to bring the romance back to the bedroom and therapy can be the first step. Just initiating the conversation can be a scarry obstacle. A trained sex therapist can help you navigate the challenges of a sometimes embarrassing conversation. For some 'self help' tips try these ideas:
1) Love Nest Make Over: Keep the bedroom sexy and free from clutter. Piles of clothes are not just a "to do" list, but are a Romance Turn OFF! The bedroom should be a sanctuary for relaxation, sharing, safety and sassiness. PS... get rid of the TV!!!

2) Hug to relax and reconnect. This simple act can really be the bridge for a couple to bond after a hectic day. We need physical touch and hugging is a simple 'no sex demand' activity that allows couples to reaffirm there union. A 3 minute hug can be powerful... Try it!

For more tips and a great 10 day "Boot Camp" guide check out the intimacy experiement and see how you and your snuggle bunny do. There's some great tips to try on your own.

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