Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Self Care for the Holidays!

During this busy yet exciting season we wanted to remind you of a few creative ways you can continue to prioritize your own health and wellness, as we always believe that self love is the first step in being able to love others.

1. Stop and take 10 seconds to breathe deeply and appreciate the sensory experience at hand - the exquisite taste of the seasonal treat, the bright stars in the night sky, the texture of the fresh evergreen branches. Set the intention to pause periodically to fill the lungs while noticing little details and feeling gratitude for the blessings of the present moment.

2. Give ourselves grace for our own imperfections. Our loved ones don't want us to spend special times together feeling guilty for not having found the perfect present for each acquaintance or not keeping a perfect schedule among many obligations. Allow ourselves the same forgiveness we would allow for our best friend in the same situation.

3. Take a risk that honors your true self more than (real or imagined) external expectations. Maybe you'd rather start the tradition of heartfelt notes in homemade cards, try out a healthier version of a favorite dish, or plan a special mealtime blessing that includes a diversity of spiritual perspectives on this time of year. Give others the gift of your visionary creativity!

For further reading on some great holiday self care tips, we've rounded up some fabulous articles:

Grinch Prevention by Dr. Bloom

Planning for Substance Control by Dr. Mathieu

Singles Holiday Guide from the Chopra Center


Self Love Tips from MindBodyGreen

From all of us at Turner Professional Group, we hope you enjoy many blessings as we transition into winter, and that you can increase your capacity to be giving towards others others through first expanding your own self-love disciplines.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Is Twilight everything the critics say it is?

One of the biggest phenomenon to shape public discourse around female sexuality over the last few years (besides 50 Shades of Grey!) is the Twilight series whose final film installment is now in theaters. The teen romantic fantasy series centers around an intense romantic triangle between a human, Bella, her vampire boyfriend Edward, and the werewolf Jacob who is also in love with Bella. And, like 50 Shades, Twilight has received a lot of harsh criticism in response to its record breaking popularity. While some of the criticisms of the vampire/werewolf teen romance are about the depth and skill of the writing quality, others make heavier accusations that Edward and Bella’s romance depicts abusive elements of control and stalking. Additionally, some feminists have criticized the abstinence until marriage message, Bella’s heartbreak in the second book driving her to supposed near-suicidal depression, and her seeming lack of personality and substance in contrast to Edward’s unrealistic perfection. To unpack all of these big concepts we will give this blog two segments: in the first focusing on the serious issue of defining stalking and abuse.
As a big fan of the books as well as someone who works in and cares deeply about domestic violence, I wanted to share my perspective on the series with those who may be wondering if they depict unhealthy role models that we should protect children from. Stalking and controlling behaviors and male dominance are serious concerns to mental health professionals, and those terms need to be clearly defined and not just casually thrown around.
The behaviors that some people jump to define as stalking happen in a specific context- 1: Edward and Bella are dating and she enjoys and craves his company, 2: His reasons for standing guard at her house usually have something to do with intending to protect her from the many magical creatures that are threatening her life, and 3: he doesn’t sleep because he is a vampire and so has his nights free anyway. So while the behavior could look superficially like stalking in the real world, it is in fact very different than real life abusers who are stalking victims with whom they are not in a consensual relationship, who have the intention to frighten and intimidate, and who are not doing it for the main purpose of protecting their loved one from a magical fantasy life-threatening danger. Given these differences, it is not exactly fair to make the accusation that the millions of fans of Twilight enjoy stalking as it is defined in the real world. These are important distinctions to maintain, as real world stalking and abuse are serious concerns not to be made light of or compared to a protective magical boyfriend reacting to magical dangers.
So for now Twilight fans, you have our blessings to continue to enjoy the series without judgment that you secretly want an abusive stalker by real world terms – you just want to have appropriate magical protection if you were faced with equivalent magical life-threatening dangers. Stay tuned for Twilight analysis part 2 to break down some of the other criticisms of the series!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

New Frontiers of Sexual Discovery: The Latest Research on Female Ejaculation

For our advice question this month, we had a reader ask:

“Can Female Ejaculation be learned?”

To answer this we spoke with a colleague of Lisa Meyers', Jiná Ashline, M.Ed. in Human Sexuality and Human Sexuality Doctoral Student at Widener University. Jiná has studied Female Ejaculation extensively and graciously shared with us a couple of fabulous articles she wrote on the subject, part 1 and part 2. The most prominent researcher on female ejaculation is Dr. Beverly Whipple, who has published numerous books on her discoveries about the G-Spot and female orgasm. In her research she learned that the bundle of glands and nerves surrounding the urethra inside the front wall of the vagina that we know as the G-Spot

can be highly responsive to certain kinds of touch in some women, and many are able to experience an intensely pleasurable ejaculation of clear/faintly white liquid through the urethra which is chemically different than urine.

Although there is still some disagreement among professionals about the existence and function of the G-Spot being universal, there are scientific studies on this "female prostate" or Skene's Gland that point toward it having a very similar function to the male prostate. Much like the male prostate, this bundle of tissue surrounds the urethra and responds to sexual stimulation by secreting an ejaculate that can be expelled through the urethra as a separate process from urination.

From a radio interview in 2007, Dr. Whipple explains that while many women can learn to become more familiar with their body's responses to G-Spot stimulation, she discourages the pursuit of female ejaculation as an achievement that has to be any more valuable than other pleasurable sexual experiences:

Norman Swan: Female ejaculation presumably does not necessarily have to happen in every woman?
Beverly Whipple: Absolutely does not have to happen, and it can happen from oral stimulation, it can happen without orgasm, and I think that's a very important distinction. It was too easily put together with similarly for G-Spot and you have female ejaculation, not necessarily so. But what we measured looked like watered-down fat-free milk, and the women reported it tasted sweet, and that's because it contains glucose and fructose.
I have a staircase for people who are goal-directed. Penis and vagina contact to the top step, if you can follow my analogy, and that top step is Orgasm, with a big O. People who don't reach that top step, don't feel very good about everything that has occurred along the way. Whereas another way of looking at sexual experience is pleasure-oriented. And here I use the analogy of a circle, where any activity on the perimeter of that circle, whether it's holding hands, hugging, kissing, oral sex, whatever it is, is an end in itself and it doesn't have to lead to something else. And it's very helpful for couples to look at this, stereotypically most men put themselves on the staircase, stereotypically, most women put themselves on the circle, as pleasure-oriented. This is where some problems occur in relationships, when one person is goal-oriented, the other is pleasure oriented, and they're either not aware of it, or they don't communicate with their partner.
Norman Swan: However it's still important I think probably to emphasize, I mean some women just say, no matter how they do it, they only have a clitoral orgasm.
Beverly Whipple: And that's fine.
Norman Swan: Yes, but they kind of feel they're missing out on something.
Beverly Whipple: No. Absolutely not. Whatever a woman finds pleasurable, whatever she enjoys, we should encourage her to enjoy it. We have found here in our lab women have orgasm from stimulation of their breast, many areas you can have orgasmic responses from.
  If  you are interested in trying to experience this, Jiná recommends "that women first try exploring their sexual response on their own to relieve any pressure, as having the intent to accomplish something can hinder the experience. I also encourage people to stimulate the entire length of the urethra." Many people become nervous about the possibility of the experience being urination instead, since the sensation before the orgasm is similar to the feeling of having to urinate. Using the restroom before you begin can help to relieve these worries, and the assurance that it is not possible to urinate while experiencing orgasm. While every woman is different and will have to learn what kind of touch works best for her, most resources on this describe firmer pressure on the G-Spot as being the best, more pressure than is normally preferable for clitoral stimulation since the gland is buried deeper inside the body. Some people report the most success when the partner does the quintessential "come hither" finger movements to stimulate the G-Spot with enough force as if they were trying to lift the woman off of the bed.
For more reading on these topics, check out Dr. Whipple's books: The G Spot: And Other Discoveries About Human Sexuality, and The Orgasm Answer Guide. Thanks for all the great questions and enjoy your pressure-free sexual exploration!

 Ashline, Jiná. (2007, November 15) The Mysterious Female Ejaculation: Part 1. Miscellany News. Retrieved from http://newspaperarchives.vassar.edu/cgi-bin/vassar?a=d&d=miscellany20071115-01.2.23&e=-------en-20--1--txt-IN#

 Ashline, Jiná. (2007, November 29) The Mysterious Female Ejaculation Part 2: Try it at home! Miscellany News. Retrieved from http://newspaperarchives.vassar.edu/cgi-bin/vassar?a=d&d=miscellany20071129-01.2.28&e=-------en-20--1--txt-IN#

Swann, N. & Whipple, B. (2007)  ABC Radio National Health Report. Retrieved from          http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/healthreport/female-orgasm/3224182#transcript

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

"50 Shades of Grey" Review - Good Kinky Fun or Dangerously Bad Writing?

     The latest revolution to hit the world of sexuality in pop culture is the erotic fiction trilogy "50 Shades of Grey" by E. L. James. The public's reception of the novel has run the gamut: although it is a bestseller that is widely popular among female audiences, 50 Shades also has received intense criticism. Some people claim that it is an ideal erotic fantasy for women, while others assert that it is incredibly bad writing that promotes unhealthy models of violence against women. With so much attention on the topic of sexuality in the public dialogue, Turner Professional Group was eager to help our clientele make sense of the book and its impact on their lives.

The story of 50 Shades of Grey happens just over the course of a six weeks at the end of the narrator, Anastasia Steele's last year of undergraduate studies and transition into working life, during which she meets and becomes infatuated with the rich and handsome Christian Grey who has some dark secrets. Being a work of erotica, the focus quickly moves to the characters' strong attraction to each other, and the conflict between Anastasia's virginal confusion about her relationship needs and Christan's insistence on a strict Dominant/Submissive sexual relationship with her because it is the only way he is able to handle a relationship due to his childhood trauma (and honest enjoyment of the lifestyle). Needless to say, she is not a virgin for long and the two enjoy many sexual adventures throughout their romance.

To break down all of the conflicting reviews of the first book in the trilogy, which brings the BDSM lifestyle into the mainstream, student therapist intern & blogger Dhyana Coil sat down with Certified Sex Therapist Lisa Meyers to discuss our reactions:
Dhyana: So tell me your overall impressions of 50 Shades of Grey.
Lisa: I read them because I knew clients would be asking questions and I wanted to be able to have an informed opinion. I enjoyed all of the books immensely and got swept away in the fantasy. I think that Christian and Anastasia can be sexually empowering role models.
DC: Wow, I have to say that I struggled more to get into it and agreed with a lot of the criticism about the writing quality. What about them did you find sexually empowering?
LM: Well it’s true that the books are not the highest quality of writing, not your highbrow erotica. First of all I think anything that brings sexuality into the forefront is good, that it got people talking about these things that they couldn’t before. I love the way that it normalized sexuality, especially things like period sex, anal sex and tasting your own fluids.
DC: I couldn’t help but notice a lot of parallels between Christian Grey and Edward from Twilight: they both have incredibly mature personalities in sexy, young, auburn-haired bodies, they are both incredibly attentive and protective boyfriends, they both happen to be rich and powerful. Do you have any thoughts on these parallels between the two most popular objects of female desire lately?
LM: The author, E.L. James has always been very candid about the fact that the books are fan fiction loosely based on the Twilight series. They are also both located in the Pacific Northwest.
DC: Ah well that explains it! We actually received a couple of advice questions that are either explicitly about the book or about dominance and submission in general. The first one is:

Is it possible to have multiple orgasms EVERY single time? And how common is it to climax together as a couple? Because if everything Ana experienced was true then I have really been missing out!
-girl needing more multiple orgasm nights

LM: People need to remember that this was a fantasy. When couples climax together it is typically due to coincidence or luck. However, just as with having multiple orgasms, you can definitely work on it as a couple and learn to communicate and notice the physical cues to help that happen more often. But no, it was a fantasy and I wouldn’t tell anyone to expect either of those to happen every time in real life.
DC: I also noticed a lot of Ana being able to orgasm “on demand,” whenever Christian said that he wanted her to. What do you think of that phenomenon in light of using them as role models?
LM: I think it is evidence of their power dynamic. In this fantasy Christian has been trained as an expert lover, so at this point in his experience he is able to pick up on her physical cues when she is aroused enough to be ready. Since the whole story takes place in just the first six weeks of their romance, they are still in the “limerence” phase, that obsessive infatuation, where you really can just be that excited by your partner all of the time. The hormones of that phase don’t last for people in real life, but it makes sense to me that she could be so into him at this point that hearing him say that he desires her to climax would send her over the edge. Keep in mind, he knew her body response well enough to know when to state the request. It wasn’t random!
DC: Ok, we had another question that relates to the themes in “50 Shades”:

How can you reconcile being a feminist and enjoying being dominated/submission stuff? Or can you? Is there a line that a good feminist should draw?

LM: I don’t believe that the two have to be mutually exclusive. It sounds like the person asking that question is struggling with society’s hangups, and I believe that is a lot of what Ana wrestled with too – feeling like she should want something different or more traditional. But what society doesn’t understand is that in true BDSM, it’s the submissive that has all the power. They are the one that control the experience, and most BDSM relationships have better communication about what each partner does and doesn’t desire than people who only have vanilla sex, because they have to in order to be safe.
DC: Yes, it seemed very obvious to me that Christian wanted to be absolutely clear about what Ana was and wasn’t consenting to, and that he would stop the instant she revoked her consent no matter what was going on. That is in line with feminist values, and very different than an abusive relationship where the abuser continues to cause pain and suffering no matter how much they are asked to stop. I like how Christian explains it in this quote:

“What I think you fail to realize is that in Dom/sub relationships it is the sub who has all the power. That’s you. I’ll repeat this – you are the one with all the power. Not I. In the boathouse you said no. I can’t touch you if you say no – that’s why we have an agreement – what you will and won’t do. If we try things and you don’t like them, we can revise the agreement. It’s up to you – not me.” (James, 2011, p.400)

LM: I am glad to hear you got that impression from it as well. I know that some people feel like the book is promoting or condoning domestic violence, but when I hear that I wonder if they have actually read the book or are just going off of rumors of what they think happens. As you read the book, you can understand how some people can choose to mix a bit of pain with their pleasure and absolutely not have that mean it is the same thing as abuse.
DC: You know I have read about how a lot of high-power executive men will pay for a dominatrix to create an experience that doesn’t necessarily even include sex, just because they crave the feeling of not having to be in control and figure everything out. In that light you could almost see the dominant partner as giving the submissive the gift of whatever experience they are craving.  Do you see it that way too?
LM: Yes that’s interesting, I would definitely believe that the kinds of people who are under such high pressure all day to be in charge would need relief. Being a submissive means that you don’t have to think about what to do, making it easy to just feel and experience. You are still in control, but you are able to just exist, just be.
DC: As somebody who was disappointed with the quality of writing and the repetition of the phrase “my inner goddess,” I was wondering there was other erotic fiction you would recommend to people.
LM: Absolutely! I would recommend Nancy Friday, Cherise Sinclair, and Sylvia Day.
DC: I happen to be a big fan of Anais Nin, and the Smut volumes by Nerve.com. Is there anything else you want to tell people curious about “50 Shades”?
LM: I want to make sure they understand that it is fantasy, it is not a BDSM 101 manual. But if it is something they are interested in, I would recommend they do some research, get some basic education in BDSM, start meeting people in the community who have been living the lifestyle for a while, and communicate their desires with their partner.
DC: Wonderful, thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me about this fascinating topic!

James, E. L. (2011) Fifty Shades of Grey. New York, NY: Vintage Books.

Monday, October 15, 2012

New Sex Therapy Advice! Q&A on the Perserverance of Sperm

Happy Tuesday readers! Today is an exciting day for the On The Couch blog, as we are unveiling our new format. Taking inspiration from the famous radio show Loveline and our favorite advice columns, we are now adding in a Question & Answer series to alternate with our regular topics of interest. Every two weeks on Tuesday you'll now get either the fresh Question of the Month from a reader about whatever current sex or relationship quandary we can help with, or our usual coverage of whatever is on the cutting edge of the Sex Therapy world.

Our next installment, special for Halloween on Tuesday October 30th will be a special expanded blog covering the popular erotic romance novel 50 Shades of Grey. Start reading yours now to join in the conversation!

While we look forward to exploring the taboo worlds of bondage and fantasy with you next time, this week we received a question about a topic also important to Mr. Christian Grey - safe sex and pregnancy.

What's the deal with sex on your period? Can you actually get pregnant? Should you do anything differently?      - Trying to keep the parenthood planned
This is an important and complicated question, Trying. While it is often believed that there is no risk of pregnancy during a woman's period, it could in fact be a possibility depending on the timing of your cycle. As this chart below illustrates,
on an average cycle, the fertile days of ovulation are typically about 7 days after the end of the period. However, not everyone has an average cycle every time, and sometimes ovulation can occur as few as 5 days after the period, explained under "Tracking Ovulation" section of this article by the American Pregnancy Association (with the first day of the period marked as the beginning of the cycle.) This would seem to still leave us pretty safe, but the tricky part comes in when we also learn that sperm can stay alive inside the uterus and cervix for up to five days. So, theoretically one could have unprotected sex on day five of their cycle at the end of the bleeding, and the sperm could stay alive for five days, and if the woman also ovulates a bit early that month on day ten, there would still be some persistent sperm ready and waiting for that new egg when it comes along, creating a risk for pregnancy. This seems rare and unlikely, but we all know that person who miraculously got pregnant under the most seemingly safe of circumstances. We recommend that you get in touch with the signals of your cycle through some research on Natural Family Planning to help understand these important details more.Then discuss with your partner what is the safest contraceptive plan based on both of your current levels of commitment to accurately tracking the phases of your cycle, perhaps a combination of understanding the safe times of the month and one of the other methods listed on contracept.org. Happy enlightened and empowered lovemaking!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Exciting Developments in the Overlap of Physical and Mental Health Care

As a holistic health-minded practice, Turner Professional Group values helping connect patients with other  kinds of healthcare besides psychotherapy. Whether that is suggesting the massage therapist right here in our office or helping to coordinate referrals among any other kind of specialty, we are passionate about taking advantage of every healthcare perspective that could be helpful in getting you to your optimal quality of life. 

There are many diagnoses that overlap in the world of physical and mental health, and sometimes treatment from more than one approach leads to the fullest recovery. Some of those diagnoses that are especially relevant to sexual health are dyspareunia and vaginisumus – both physical conditions that are listed in the psychiatric bible: The DSM.

One of the tools in a multidisciplinary health care practice that we routinely work with is Physical Therapists. Employing the help of a Physical Therapist at the same time as a Sex Therapist while working with these issues can aid in working through the emotional effects of the physical reality, helping to clarify and follow up with the Physical Therapist's homework recommendations, and understand other social/interpersonal/neurological dimensions to the experience of pelvic floor dysfunction.

Turner Professional Group recently toured the beautiful offices of Preferred Physical Therapy to learn about their expertise in working with pelvic floor issues that can affect many of our clients. The muscles of the pelvic floor can develop chronic tension or weakness just like any other muscle in the body. However, unlike your bicep, pelvic floor issues can affect many other aspects of life such as reproduction, sexuality and elimination. A physical therapist could make a big difference when one is suffering from the aftermath of cancer, surgery or scarring to the pelvic area, complications following childbirth, incontinence and muscle weakness or vulvar pain presenting as dyspareunia or vaginismus – defined in the links above. During our tour we learned about the different kinds of internal and external massage, biofeedback and body awareness training that physical therapists use to treat these conditions. Although the link to their page focuses on women's pelvic health, men could also benefit from these services in the context of prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction or incontinence. Although these can be intimidating or private issues, we felt very relaxed and supported in the serene and soothing environment, cared for by friendly and knowledgeable staff.

To help facilitate communication between mental health experts and physical therapy professionals, Turner Professional Group recently hosted an informational event for the Kansas City Women's Health Physical Therapy Group. Besides delicious snacks and educational vulva pillows, we discussed how to best serve clients' quality-of-life needs around sexual functioning and pelvic health. One of the highlights was discussing the Crystal Wand (available on Amazon.com) as a vaginal & pelvic health tool, and how sex therapists can help people who are normally uncomfortable with typical masturbation learn how to apply their PT's instructions in a way that works for them to ensure they maintain adequate blood flow and can work out tension-related pain. 

Dr. George Turner shares that, "We are thrilled to be pushing forward on the cutting edge of multidisciplinary client care in this way. The research shows that 75% of medical patients want to be asked about their sexual health, but only 23% of medical professionals now do so. That is why we are here to fill in that gap, to help start those crucial conversations to get clients back on track to the quality of life they used to enjoy - or to get somewhere even better!"

Thursday, September 13, 2012

KU intern, Amy Gray, joins Turner Professional Group

Amy Gray, KU Intern
Amy Gray is an intern at Turner Professional Group specializing in individual and couples work. Ms. Gray has experience working with families, runaway and homeless youth, and HIV+ youth. Ms. Gray has a Masters degree in clinical and counseling psychology from Central Missouri State University and is currently working toward a Master of Social Welfare at the University of Kansas. In her free time, Ms. Gray enjoys coaching youth softball, kayaking, taking photographs, and spending quality time with her many nieces and nephews.

"Amy has a great personality and a genuine desire to help people. She promises to be a great asset to our practice and our clients," stated Dr. George Turner, her clinical supervisor. Dr. Turner oversees all interns at Turner Professional Group meeting to discuss cases, provide guidance and augment each student intern's clinical skills. "This is a great way for clients to receive stellar service at an affordable price. We are so glad we can give back to the community in this way," added Dr. Turner.  In addition to seeing clients, Ms. Gray will help facilitate a women's "Healthy Sex" group with Lisa Meyers, LSCSW/LCSW a co-owner at TPG. Ms Gray is also interested in research on sexual health and will be organizing several projects for TGP including a future conference presentation.

Welcome Amy~!

Ms Gray is accepting new clients and can see people for FREE or reduced fee.

Please contact Amy at:
Phone: (816) 931-8255
Email: intern2@turnerprofessionalgroup.com

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

New Practitioners, Sarah & Sherri, join TPG.

Please welcome our newest team members, Sarah P. Chapman and Sherri Mack. 

Sarah began studying natural healing modalities in 2004 and graduated from Wellspring School of Massage in 2011. She specializes in the reduction of stress and tension for physical and emotional health. Using a blend of traditional Swedish and deep tissue massage combined with essential oil therapies, Jin Shin Jyutsu and pressure point technique, Sarah has created her signature blend of Integrative Therapy. “My background allows me to integrate the healing modalities that I offer as well as the experience of listening to my clients’ wants and needs, creating sessions as tailored to your expectations as possible. I view my role as one of service to my clients and work to build a comfortable and safe place where transformation and healing may occur.”
Phone: 913-549-0280
Email: sarahpchapman@gmail.com
Web: www.sarahpchapman.com 

Sherri Mack
Sherri has been involved in the healing arts since 2005.  She began with massage therapy and has watched her techniques grow and evolve along the way as she has learned and integrated ever evolving energy healing practices. Now Sherri's work now revolves around spirit and mindset, as opposed to bodywork.  Please look for more information to come on what Sherri is offering here at her new room with TPG!  

Phone: 913-514-2644
Email: bahasherri@yahoo.com
Web: www.guidetoascension.com  

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

How to keep Laughing About Progressive Culture and Free Speech

Here at Turner Professional Group, we often find ourselves in those sticky situations of navigating how to discuss sensitive and charged topics appropriately. Last week in pop culture the comedian Daniel Tosh got a lot of attention for the way in which he made rape jokes at a stand up comedy gig. When we came across this article in Jezebel, How to Make a Rape Joke, we wanted to share the conversation it started about the nuances of free speech and how one's words can injure others who are vulnerable. The dialogue of pop culture is an important reflection on where society stands as a whole, and as the author points out, "According to the CDC, one in four female college students report that they've been sexually assaulted (and when you consider how many rapes go unreported, because of the way we shame victims and trivialize rape, the actual number is almost certainly much higher)." It is still incredibly important to acknowledge that we live in a rape culture with these kinds of statistics, and to get into those uncomfortable conversations about how to talk about these things in a manner that makes things better. We feel that the author of this blog makes some excellent points, primarily that there is a difference between a joke making fun of the victim versus making fun of the rapist. When a mass culture of victim blaming often keeps survivors trapped and powerless, it is refreshingly frank to hear this brave perspective on how we don't have to censor such intense topics from creative work, but the intention of that creativity to either uplift or further oppress the victim will and should be criticized by responsible audiences. We hope everyone continues to enjoy the art of comedy, the right of free speech, and the ethical duty to make one's work be about leaving the world better than we found it.

As a sexual health expert, Lisa Meyers on staff at Turner Professional Group states that women can have symptoms of PTSD triggered by environmental factors. They can experience anxiety, fear, increased heart rate, and conscious or unconscious flashbacks from a scent or similar characteristic to their attacker.
Here at Turner Professional Group, one of our primary areas of focus is women's sexual health and wellness, addressing issues such as trauma and abuse. Call for a confidential appt to begin or continue your journey towards healing.

Do you agree or disagree with the author's statements? Leave us a comment to start a discussion!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Get your summertime flirt on!

Happy Monday flirty readers! It's Dhyana again, your new blogger reporting every Monday on what's new in the world of relationships, sexuality and wellness.

This week I am excited to announce my first workshop at Turner Professional Group - Flirting 101. One of the aspects about relationships that I am most fascinated by is how the heck do we get into them in the first place. As someone who dated one of the best pick up artists in Colorado for a while and went on to work as a freelance dating coach and Wingwoman for several years, I have loved exploring and practicing the intricate psychology of how we find connection with others.

In this workshop I will outline things you do and don't want to talk about in the first conversation with someone and common misconceptions about the proper way to introduce yourself. Drawing from my background in dance, I will also discuss how powerful our nonverbal communication can be and demonstrate how we send different kinds of signals with our posturing, movement and subtle touching. Then we will get into some of the deeper lessons of WHY one is trying to attract a lover in the first place, development of our "inner game" and how our opinions of ourselves can be the most powerful determinant of how others perceive us.

The workshop will be a one hour class on Monday, July 23 from 7-8pm, with optional Q&A afterward from 8-8:30. Plus anyone who pre-registers will get my special handout on Online Dating, so contact us today if you're interested!

(P.S. - If you just can't wait to get started with getting your flirt on ASAP, here are some of my favorite articles about attraction: The Anatomy of a Compliment and The ABC's of Attraction. Get started on your homework and bring your questions to the workshop!)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Kansas City Relationship & Sexual Health Clinic adds new Therapy Intern and Blogger: Dhyana Coil

Hello relationship and wellness enthusiasts! This is Dhyana, the new student intern at Turner Professional Group. My interestingly unique yet confusing Sanskrit name is pronounced Dee- (as in DE-sire),- ah- (as in “ahh that feels nice), -naa (as in ahh with an n in front). I am so thrilled to be the new blogging master for such a creative and dynamic practice. The first time I discovered the Turner Professional Group website I could hardly contain my excitement at having found a practice that shares so many of my core values and passions like spirituality, mind-body integration, and a deep expertise in the sexuality aspect of relationships. After having seen the inside of the space and felt how much energy was put into making it a therapeudic environment, I felt even more sure that the universe was leading me to something very special. Feeling such a calling to train in this unique environment, I persistently convinced my school to take a chance on a new internship site, and I am now the first ever student therapist from Friends University ready and eager to join with you on your holistic healing journey. 

As a student therapist, I will be under the supervision of the site supervisor, Dr. George Turner, as well as my program supervisor at Friends University who is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist or Licensed Clinical Marriage and Family Therapist, (they mean the same thing but Kansas and Missouri have slightly different labels). So, that means that as my client you will be receiving my own blend of personality and training, as well as the input expertise of two other advanced professionals consulting with me on your case. That’s three therapists all for the price of… FREE! My office hours for seeing individuals, couples and families will start off on Mondays from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM, and to set up an appointment contact George at 816-931-8255 or george@turnerprofessionalgroup.com.  Dr. Turner and I will be brainstorming plans for some upcoming group educational workshops. Some of our ideas so far are - The Birds and the Bees: How to talk to your children and teens about sex, Flirting 101: How to break the ice, ignite some sparks and have some fun!  & Romantic Jealousy: Tools to manage your monogamous (or not) partnership.  Please comment to let us know if and when you would be interested in attending a workshop on any of these topics, or if you have other ideas you’d like to see us make happen.  And stay tuned for more weekly blog posts on fabulous topics like masturbation, reclaiming the concept of feminine beauty, consent, and what it means to be transgender. Talk to you soon!

Monday, June 4, 2012

George Turner earns a PhD in Sexual Health Education from Widener University

George Turner received a doctorate degree in human sexuality education during the commencement ceremony at Widener University (Philadelphia) on May 12, 2012. Dr. Turner’s dissertation, “Social-Sexual Voice of Adults with Mild Intellectual Disabilities: A Qualitative Study” was awarded, “The Outstanding Dissertation Award”. In addition, he was nominated for “The William R. Stayton Award for Applied Leadership in Human Sexuality”.

As one of the area leaders in sexual health and education, Dr. Turner has a unique clinical expertise to offer his patients. Dr. Turner has been a long-time advocate, clinician and now researcher on disabilities and sexuality. His research looked at the typically overlooked personal stories of individuals with intellectual disabilities. He plans to take his research and present at national conventions for special education teachers, social workers and sexuality professionals. Additionally, it is his hope to publish in several professional journals to engage professionals in an often difficult discourse on the topic of disability and pleasure, safety, and self-determination.

Widener University is a private, metropolitan university comprised of eight schools and colleges that offer liberal arts and sciences, professional and pre-professional curricula leading to associate's, baccalaureate, master's and doctoral degrees. Visit the university website, www.widener.edu.