Sunday, August 11, 2013

AWESOME Designer Wellness Office Space - Midtown: Westport/ Plaza

We are a group of clinical professionals looking to invite other practitioners to share our expanded and remodeled office. We welcome other psychotherapists, but we are actively looking to recruit a psychiatrist, chiropractor, massage therapist, nurse practitioner, or physical therapist to complement our client services. We would also entertain other professionals.
The Basics:
Share contemporary, designer, loft-like, office space with concrete floors, artwork, soothing lobby environment, music & fountain, restroom and shower. Access to conference/group room & full kitchen.

 Our Motto:
We believe that our client services are enhanced through collaborative care and look to create a cooperative of health care professionals dedicated to holistic wellness services.

The Area:
Beautiful Plaza / Westport within walking distance to area coffee houses, boutique shops, restaurants, grocery stores and walking park at JC Nichols Fountain. Easy access to I35 and 71hwy. Close to KU/ UMKC.

The Rooms:
Rooms are a generous size includes all utilities, and WiFi.

*We also have a shared ‘Rent by the Hour Block’ system for those with limited practices for as low as $175/mo

Ideal colleague is an established or ‘newly in private practice’ entrepreneur looking to enjoy the benefits of a collaborative practice setting for referrals, case consultation, business support and growth. Finally, a candidate must be financially responsible.

We are a group of independent practitioners; we routinely meet to support one another’s businesses both clinically and strategically. 

FREE tours arranged by request... so whatya got to loose. This is a MUST see!

You may check us out at:

For more information, please call George at 816.931.8255


§  Full Kitchen & Furnished Lobby
§  Wifi Internet
§  Parking… Private dedicated parking for building
§  Webpage Listing with picture/ bio (After initial set up fee)
§  Beverage Service (Coffee, Tea, Water, Cups)
§  Kleenex
§  Office Aesthetics (Aroma Therapy & Music)
§  Use of library, Group Room, Kitchen
§  Collegial Networking               


§  No out of pocket office set up expense (furniture, decorations, computer)
§  Furnished Wait Room
§  Flat Rate –– No %
§  Simple & Stable short-term contract for 12 months
§  No typical long term (3 & 5) year contract





Friday, August 2, 2013

A New View on Prostitution: A m s t e r d a m ’ s R e d L i g h t D i s t r i c t

I took my first trip to the Netherlands in June 2012. It was a study abroad to Amsterdam, to fulfill the cultural diversity

requirement for my Ph.D. in human sexuality. I had eight glorious days to study sexuality across the globe, miles from
where I live in the heart of America.

I learned many things about sexuality from Dutch culture, the most prominent being the culture of the working women in the red light district.

Prior to going to Amsterdam and learning about the red light district I had assumed human trafficking referred to sex workers; however, they opened my eyes to the reality that human trafficking occurs in many other arenas, such as the auto
industry, agriculture, and domestic work.
I had the privilege of hearing a formal lecture on the Red Light District after spending several days immersed in the local
ulture of Amsterdam. Prostitution was legalized there in 2000, and the attitude of the locals seems to be somewhat
ambivalent about it. It was interesting to hear personal views of some locals and then to hear what the research shows which were often quite opposed. For example, I went with several other female students to get haircuts, and our stylist told us that 60% of the female workers are forced to work in the red light district. She also told us to not go in large groups, “it’s not a zoo!”, but rather to break into small groups while visiting the red light district and to take the time to make eye contact, smile, wave, and chat with the ladies. The latter ended up being excellent advice, but the former statistic was grossly naccurate. The reality is that of the 25,000 or so workers, only 2% or approximately 2,000 are forced workers.

I had no idea what to expect regarding the red light district, yet I had a childish belief that the red lights would be actual red lanterns. How wrong I was! This resulted in my becoming an accidental rule breaker, and being on the receiving end of loud banging and angry faces from the windows. I was on my way to the lecture on the District, and thought this street looked pretty; so I stopped for a photo, not noticing the red fluorescent style lights on the building. Since I had no idea what I was looking for, and my group had gotten separated on the way to the lecture, I had no idea we had stumbled into the Red Light District unaware! I was so shocked and embarrassed that I forgot the suggestions to smile, make eye contact, and talk to the women. If I could go back, I would certainly explain my ignorance and apologize.

Fun Fact, the average length of time a worker spends with a client is only 6 minutes. Out of the 25,000 sex workers thirty percent are window workers, thirty-forty percent work in indoor brothels, ten percent are street workers and 3 thirty-forty percent are internet workers. There is one very short street in the District that had black lights rather than red lights. This was where the workers who are transgender work. These black light workers command the highest fees, and they make the most money of all sex workers, which I was surprised to learn.
My experience with the Red Light District was much less sensationalized in real life. It is a way for people, primarily
females, to work hard and make a living. End of story.