Tuesday, July 24, 2012

How to keep Laughing About Progressive Culture and Free Speech

Here at Turner Professional Group, we often find ourselves in those sticky situations of navigating how to discuss sensitive and charged topics appropriately. Last week in pop culture the comedian Daniel Tosh got a lot of attention for the way in which he made rape jokes at a stand up comedy gig. When we came across this article in Jezebel, How to Make a Rape Joke, we wanted to share the conversation it started about the nuances of free speech and how one's words can injure others who are vulnerable. The dialogue of pop culture is an important reflection on where society stands as a whole, and as the author points out, "According to the CDC, one in four female college students report that they've been sexually assaulted (and when you consider how many rapes go unreported, because of the way we shame victims and trivialize rape, the actual number is almost certainly much higher)." It is still incredibly important to acknowledge that we live in a rape culture with these kinds of statistics, and to get into those uncomfortable conversations about how to talk about these things in a manner that makes things better. We feel that the author of this blog makes some excellent points, primarily that there is a difference between a joke making fun of the victim versus making fun of the rapist. When a mass culture of victim blaming often keeps survivors trapped and powerless, it is refreshingly frank to hear this brave perspective on how we don't have to censor such intense topics from creative work, but the intention of that creativity to either uplift or further oppress the victim will and should be criticized by responsible audiences. We hope everyone continues to enjoy the art of comedy, the right of free speech, and the ethical duty to make one's work be about leaving the world better than we found it.

As a sexual health expert, Lisa Meyers on staff at Turner Professional Group states that women can have symptoms of PTSD triggered by environmental factors. They can experience anxiety, fear, increased heart rate, and conscious or unconscious flashbacks from a scent or similar characteristic to their attacker.
Here at Turner Professional Group, one of our primary areas of focus is women's sexual health and wellness, addressing issues such as trauma and abuse. Call for a confidential appt to begin or continue your journey towards healing.

Do you agree or disagree with the author's statements? Leave us a comment to start a discussion!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Get your summertime flirt on!

Happy Monday flirty readers! It's Dhyana again, your new blogger reporting every Monday on what's new in the world of relationships, sexuality and wellness.

This week I am excited to announce my first workshop at Turner Professional Group - Flirting 101. One of the aspects about relationships that I am most fascinated by is how the heck do we get into them in the first place. As someone who dated one of the best pick up artists in Colorado for a while and went on to work as a freelance dating coach and Wingwoman for several years, I have loved exploring and practicing the intricate psychology of how we find connection with others.

In this workshop I will outline things you do and don't want to talk about in the first conversation with someone and common misconceptions about the proper way to introduce yourself. Drawing from my background in dance, I will also discuss how powerful our nonverbal communication can be and demonstrate how we send different kinds of signals with our posturing, movement and subtle touching. Then we will get into some of the deeper lessons of WHY one is trying to attract a lover in the first place, development of our "inner game" and how our opinions of ourselves can be the most powerful determinant of how others perceive us.

The workshop will be a one hour class on Monday, July 23 from 7-8pm, with optional Q&A afterward from 8-8:30. Plus anyone who pre-registers will get my special handout on Online Dating, so contact us today if you're interested!

(P.S. - If you just can't wait to get started with getting your flirt on ASAP, here are some of my favorite articles about attraction: The Anatomy of a Compliment and The ABC's of Attraction. Get started on your homework and bring your questions to the workshop!)